Attributes are percentages. Paired stats add up to 100, with a limit of 0-100.
💜 Health Pair
Being: sprint vs marathon
Augmentation Efficiency [AUG] (stamina): overdrive recharge rate; recovery - Health, Resilience, Resist (debuff statuses)
Cybernetic Processing [CYB] (speed): base attack rate - Burst, Metabolism, Vitality
🦾 Physical Pair
Acting: attack vs defense
Synchronization Energy [SYN] (dexterity): dodging damage; defense; climb obstacles - Climb, Dodge, Jump, Run
Reactor Power [POW] (strength): deal damage; attack; smash obstacles - Brace, Carry, Mining, Smite
🍥 Ability Pair
Feeling: close vs ranged
Sensor Attunement [SEN] (sense): melee combat; fast reactions; dodge traps - Attack (melee), Block, Spot
Technomancy [TEC] (focus): ranged combat; careful aiming; disarm traps, hacking - Aim (missiles), Conceal, Hack, Seal/Unseal
🧠 Mind Pair
Knowing: mage vs artisan