The world map of Holdara will be procedurally generated as the player community explores out from the Celestial Tower at the center. All new players will start at Lighthaven, the only non-procedurally generated Settlement on the world map that acts as the tutorial area to introduce players to the world of Holdara.
The world of Holdara is built from the following components:
Regions - 10km wide hexagonal "biomes" (forest, plain, etc) that make up the world map. Can be in the light (controlled by the players) or in the dark (controlled by the Nanovoid). The biome is one factor that determines the resources that can be found in the Wilderness.
Settlements - some Regions contain a Spire, and these support surrounding Settlements. Settlements represent the habitable part of a Region that can be developed and are persistent (all changes are the result of player actions / choices). The Spire's exact coordinates within the region are randomised randomized on creation to give the map a more organic look.
Wilderness - the area outside of the Settlement is called the Wilderness. This is non-persistent, and is the source of raw materials. Maps are dynamically generated by the game engine and constructed by AI, when players explore this part of the Region, with their makeup determined by the Region biome and climate type.
Routes - regions that do not contain a Settlement still have a persistent map which acts as a waypoint when travelling between Settlements. This shows the roadway between Settlements and is also where Temples and other permanent structures can be found.
Plots - a Settlement contains several Plots. Plots are the land NFTs that players can own and build on.
World Expansion
Players can travel from Region to Region on the map by traversing their persistent Settlement (if they have a Spire) or Route location. Region to Region travel requires Glowstones.
Travelling to a new Region that is not yet represented on the map will result in a new region being procedurally generated. This will persist forever on the world map and become part of Holdara.
🌟 Light vs ✴️ Dark
Regions have an overall light level determined by lit Spires. If there is no nearby lit Spire, then the region is in darkness and cannot be exploited: Settlements are inoperable, and the players will be under constant attack from Nanovoid forces which are more numerous and can move more freely in the darkness.
In a dark region, players can only visit the Settlement (which will be ruined) and is 100% guaranteed to result in an encounter/battle. There is no option to visit the dark Wilderness as you cannot forage/harvest until the land is liberated (you can still recover resources, but these will be loot drops from defeated enemies, or caches within the Settlement).
🗼 Spire Network
Regions may contain a Spire: this means they will also be able to support a Settlement whilst the Spire is lit.