Earn Glowstones (GLOW):
Players defeat Nanovoid forces, complete quests, and trade resources to earn GLOW.
Contribute to Spire Ignitions:
Players pool GLOW to ignite new Spires, earning proportional RLM rewards.
Igniting a Spire expands the world with new settlements, biomes, and resources.
Maintain Settlements:
Contribute GLOW to sustain Spires and prevent settlements from falling dormant.
Dormant settlements halt trading and gameplay until Spires are reactivated.
Use GLOW in Daily Activities:
Purchase consumables, crafting materials, or services in the in-game economy.
Players trade GLOW for equipment, crafting, or services from other players.
Purchase GLOW from Treasury (if Needed):
Players can purchase GLOW with RLM when treasury reserves are available, ensuring accessibility without undermining gameplay.