Lore & Backstory

Lore & Backstory

An animated walkthrough of Holdara’s lore and backstory is available on the official
Holdara Website / Lore


Over 10000 years ago

  • The Celestials have been at war with a race they call the Daimons for millennia.

  • To gain the upper hand the Celestials decide to explore advanced extra-dimensional technology.

  • To this end, the Celestials create Holdara in orbit of a super-massive galactic black hole (the Darkstar).

  • Holdara is a hollow artificial world - a "Lightstar reactor".

  • Harnessing the enormous black hole energy, they open a Lightstar to another universe.

  • The Lightstar is kept open by two tall towers that channel energy from the Darkstar black hole.

  • "Exotic material" drawn from the parallel universe coats the inside of Holdara.

  • Unexpectedly, this develops an alien biome that symbiotically reacts with the Celestial machinery.

  • As a result, the Celestials cannot survive long in the Lightstar radiation even with heavy protective suits.

First Era – The Age of Gods

Around a decade

  • The Celestials create mechanoids designed to withstand the harsh Holdaran environment.

  • The mechanoids can survive the Lightstar conditions and are used to gather materials for research.

  • This includes Glowstones that form in the hard light radiation from the Lightstar.

  • Symbiotic reaction with “exotic material” enhances these machines creating the first true Holdarans.

  • The Celestials use the gathered materials to develop new types of weapon and armour.

  • However, these Lightstar derived weapons are too dangerous for the Celestials to wield themselves.

  • Instead they train the Holdarans to wield this Hard Light equipment ready to battle the Daimons.

The Forsaking

The first cataclysmic event

  • One of the Celestials, Rouvesh, conducts research into the structure of the exotic materials.

  • He isolates the “dark particles” that give it its unusual properties.

  • His experiments with concentrated "dark particles" create the Nanovoid.

  • The Nanovoid consumes the Celestials making them part of its makeup.

  • Whether any Celestials manage to escape this fate is unknown, but none are seen by Holdarans again.

  • The Nanovoid cannot survive on the surface under the Lightstar, so is confined to the superstructure.

  • From the Holdaran perspective, this is underground, a place they call The Otherworld.

  • The Holdarans are now alone and must fend for themselves.

Second Era – The Age of Civilization

10000 years of peace and enlightenment

  • The Holdarans assume the Nanovoid is the coming of the Daimons that the Celestials foretold

  • They continue to collect Glowstones and other materials as they were trained to do

  • They use the Glowstones to keep the Spires fueled, which power their settlements

  • The Holdarans revere the Celestials as gods and build temples over the abandoned facilities

  • The Holdaran civilization is at its peak as the Holdarans continue to advance their abilities

Star Fall

The second cataclysmic event

  • Untended over the millenia and corrupted by the Nanovoid, the Lightstar becomes unstable.

  • Naturally forming Glowstones become rarer and the Spire power network also falters.

  • Eventually the Lightstar explodes and then collapses - a mini-supernova.

  • The two towers are shattered, and with the Lightstar gone, the Nanovoid floods across the surface.

  • The cataclysm kills most of the Holdarans and leads to the collapse of their civilisation.

  • The surviving Holdarans take refuge around the Spires and try to fight off the Nanovoid.

  • In this war of attrition, the Nanovoid can reform, whilst fallen Holdarans cannot not be replaced.

  • The Nanovoid inexorably spreads across Holdara, as the Spires are extinguished one by one!


The final battle

  • Eventually the only Holdaran land left is clustered around the Celestial Tower.

  • At the foot of the Tower is an ancient Celestial complex called Lighthaven.

  • Lighthaven was part of ancient Holdara and related to keeping the Celestial Tower operational.

  • For Holdarans it has long been a holy place of light and hidden wonders but is limited in size.

  • The remaining Holdarans make the decision to evacuate to Lighthaven across the Light Bridge.

Third Era - The Age of Darkness

The new reality

  • Continuous battle with the Nanovoid is now part of the Holdaran's lives.

  • With the Lightstar gone, Glowstones no longer form naturally.

  • However, the Nanovoid absorbs hard light particles and can use them to form Glowstones.

  • When the Nanovoid creates a Glowstone, it can use the energy to animate Shadow Wraiths.

  • Defeating Shadow Wraiths is the only way Holdarans can now acquire Glowstones.

The Dark Ages

A few decades of recovery

  • And so starts a long exile in the confines of Lighthaven.

  • To replenish supplies, raiding parties sometimes venture out; some return, many do not.

  • Of the materials recovered, one proves more valuable than all others – Holsh.

  • Holsh forms on the surface of Spires from the interaction of light and dark particles.

  • When mortal Holdarans die, they leave a Soul Stone as part of their remains.

  • Holdarans discover that combining Soul Stones with Holsh at a location within Lighthaven regenerates the essence of the Holdaran – and so are created the first Immortals.

  • When an Immortal dies, their Soul Stone brings them back again, ready to fight another day.


The current era

  • Effective immortality means the Holdarans can now compete with the Shadow Wraiths.

  • Recovered Soul Stones can be returned to Lighthaven to create new waves of Reborn.

  • With Holdaran numbers recovered, they can finally prepare to leave Lighthaven and start the fight back to liberate their world from the Nanovoid!


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